Everyday Charity
07:15If you're anything like me, you often sit and wish you were more pro-active when it comes to charities and making a difference, but it's really hard to know where to start! This year, I want to start finding new ways to help, but so far these are some small steps I've been making towards becoming a more charitable person.
1) Charity Shops
I've always donated items to local charity shops - simply because it's something my Mum has always done. If I decided to have a clear out, I resent throwing things out that could go to a new home and raise money for a good cause. Having said that, I used to hate actually shopping in a charity shop - those days are definitely long gone and I love having a rummage through the shops to see what interesting bargains I can find. I can spend money feeling satisfied that I've treated myself and helped a good cause at the same time.
2) Online Shopping
This is something I learned about only a couple of weeks ago, but it's an amazing idea and costs you absolutely nothing.
By signing up to Give as you Live, you can raise money for your chosen charity just by shopping online. I would highly recommend looking into this as it's a super simple & effortless way to raise money from the comfort of your own home.
3) Donations
Carrying on from Charity Shops, there also many other ways in which you can donate. Charity shops often don't accept items such as bras or cosmetics that are no longer in their packaging. However, with a little bit of research I discovered some places you can send these items to. During the summer, I packed up two large boxes of unwanted goods and sent them to a charity called 'Give and Make Up,' a charity supporting Refuge, Women's Aid and the Warrior Women project.
It's a good feeling knowing things that are of little value to me can make a huge difference to someone else.
A similar charity I've discovered is 'Smalls for all,' a charity that sends underwear and bras out to Africa, somewhere that has very little access to what we would consider every day conveniences.
4) Give the Gift of Adoption
This is something I've both received and given as a gift - adopting an animal! This doesn't literally mean you bring a wild creature into your home and call it your pet, but you can sign up to sponsor an animal for a period of time and the money you spend will go towards helping that breed of animal. These packages often come with a certificate, information pack and sometimes a soft toy - making this an ideal gift to give to animal lovers. I love penguins, a lot, and though I can never have one as a pet it was great being 'Adopted' one and knowing that this gift was helping a good cause whilst also bringing me my own personal happiness.
There are many platforms through which you can do this, but ones I have used before include WWF, International Animal Rescue,
5) Monthly Donations
We're all used to seeing adverts asking for donations, and I'm sure as much as we'd all love to be able to donate to every charity, for most of us this simply isn't possible. I would recommend doing some online research to learn about a few charities, learn what your money goes towards and make sure you read up on all the ts&cs. I recommend doing this online as often if you text in to adverts, you receive a phone call and you want to avoid feeling pressurized into making donations that are more than you can afford. I often change the charities I donate to, mostly because there's so many I want to help but not financially able to help at all once.
6) Charity fun runs
Many charities hold annual runs or sports event, the idea being you can ask people to sponsor you and any money you raise will go to charity. I've participated in a couple of these, and without a doubt my favourite has been The Color Run. You get to choose which charity you're running in aid of, and it's such an awesome day out!
7) Medical Donations
What an odd title! By this, I mean Blood Donations or signing up as an Organ Donor. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I'm unable to donate blood- although I know it's something I'd really struggle to do it would be worth it knowing how much of a difference blood donations make. I am, however, registered as Organ Donor. This is something people either seem to be for or against but the way I see it is, if I'm ever not in need of my organs I'd like my one last act to be that of saving a life. Pretty cool, huh?
8) Volunteering
This is getting seriously proactive, and it's something I haven't done for a long time but I really do want to change this. Back when I was in college, I really wanted to volunteer on the phone lines for charities such as Rape Crisis or Childline. I think it's probably for the best that I didn't go through with this as a 17/18 year old because these are pretty hard hitting charities to be on the phone line for. As a slightly more grown up and emotionally stronger individual, I feel like I may be ready to take this on soon. It's something I've never stopped wanting to do - so watch this space.
I'd like to balance this with something a bit lighter and volunteer at animal rescue centres. I know this wouldn't all be sunshine and daisies, but I'm so tired of seeing cruelty videos and doing absolutely nothing about it. Note to self - do something!
Over the next year, I hope to be able to expand on this list, but even the smallest of steps can make such a huge difference. It's always better to do something than absolutely nothing at all!
Links Featured:-
Give as you Live
Give & Make Up
Smalls For All
International Animal Rescue
The Color Run
Give Blood [UK Only]
Organ Donation [UK Only]
Rape Crisis